Monday, October 3, 2011

            The QUESTION: To Train or NOT to Train????!!

SO....I read an article today asking if teachers need training in online instruction????  
My thoughts............OF COURSE!!!! No person is perfect nor is anyone too smart to not benefit from extra  training and instruction. When teaching online you have to be an educator that understands your student's needs from a distance. Thinking that class should be conducted as if students were in a physical classroom is a big NO, no!! You have to take into account that student's have personal lives as well and instruction needs to be developed in a manner conducive to learning that way.  

Training can often times shed new light on any subject and get people to thinking differently about how they do things. So it's not a bad thing for teachers, if anything, it can help teacher's with re-designing and re-defining their instruction to foster  learning for learners.


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