Friday, October 14, 2011

The World is Flat...Well We're Getting There!!!!

I've heard a good deal about the innovation of technology in regards to education and it being "flat". By seeing all of the projects and experiments going on with technology world wide, I am a believer that a flat world is the right way to go as far as education goes. It's a great way to share information about other cultures and collaborate from where you are instantly without spending mega bucks to take a visit. I would have loved to sit in my classroom and collaborate with a student from China or Africa etc. That would be the best experience ever!! I think with the way technology is evolving it's making this type of collaboration more attainable and can prove as a true learning experience. We can finally throw out the old history books and actually get a current depiction of what we need to know.  I'm all for the flat world, I hope this is something heavily incorporated when my daughter enters school because it would be a great thing to follow and be apart of as a parent. Cheers to being flat!!


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